Those Voices in My Head! Or Wherever!
As many of you may know, Korean journalism as a whole is about as respected and truthful as Professor Hwang and his cloned dog are. But I still just want to go slap reporters around when they add in unsourced, unfounded commentary to their articles. This is not particularly of any personal interest to me, but is just an example. I was reading an article about how Samsung and LG both decided to give very minor (Samsung) or no (LG) raises to their employees this year. Well, near the end of the article, old Billy Bob reporter throws in this: 또 국내 대기업들이 매년 생산성을 웃도는 과도한 임금 인상을 반복해 왔다는 사회 전반의 비판적인 목소리도 임금 동결에 영향을 끼친 것으로 보인다. (Also, widespread criticism (from voices) that large companies have repeatedly given large raises that outpace productivity to their employees was a factor in the freeze on raises this year.) Of course the voices would not be included, just implied in English, but who in the hell is criticizing companies for giving raises to their employees? Widespread means a lot of people, in fact, most people criticize them. Who? I bet not a single employee nor their family criticizes it. I bet not a single employee of other companies criticizes it (they may wish their companies would do it, but that is a different matter). So who? Economics professors that believe in communism? I wanna know the names of the damn commies who criticize this! Don't put stupid quotes that are not true in your articles unless you put a source in and tell which voices are saying this! I just want to go and find this reporter and slap him silly! This is such a common tactic in Korean journalism: hide your sources or make up whatever off-the-wall crap you want to reflect your opinion. Again, the rest of the article has no problems, but then this absolute sewer trashy crap at the end!
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Anonymous, at 10:02 AM
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