
Tuesday, March 06, 2007

TGIF: This Gross Intestinal Filth!

I never particularly disliked chain restaurants in the U.S., but coming to Korea brings out the worst in them all. We went to TGIF the otter day for lunch. We arrived at 12:10 or so, and the place was nearly empty, but it took 15 minutes to get an order placed. Then me and my co-worker ordered the same thing. HIe came out about 10 minutes later, and mine came out 30 minutes later. My other co-worker's burger was even later than that, and was still moo-ing at him. You can see the red meat in this picture. Some people like their steaks rare, but hamburger patties? I don't think anyone eats them that way...Scratch TGIF off my list of places to go...


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