Some interesting stats
A guy at work sent around an e-mail saying how wonderful Korean is. Here is what he sent, only I have added in my comments...
0 평균 아이큐가 세자리를 넘는 3국가중 하나
0 Korea is one of only 3 countries with an average IQ over 100.
- Wikipedia says there are 17 such countries
0 일하는 시간이 세계 2위, 평균 노는 시간은 세계 3위인 잠없는 나라
0 A sleepless country: No. 2 in working hours, and No. 3 in playing hours
-This is good, why? Can you say “불쌍한 가정 생활’? Also, American's work less hours on average; but because we are so productive we have the greatest GDP!
0 문맹률이 1%아래인 유일한 나라
0 Only country in the world with an illiteracy rate under 1%.
-Where do you get your stats from? The U.N. reports that the U.S. has a 99.7% literacy rate and Korea has a 97.9% rate.
0 미국이랑 제대로 전쟁났을때 3일 이상 버틸수 있는 8개 국가중 하나
0 Korea, one of only 8 countries that could last longer than 3 days in an all-out war with the U.S.
- America, the only country in the world that can demolish all but 8 other countries within 3 days. The other 8 countries take 4!!!
0 노약자 보호석이 있는 5나라중에 하나
0 Only one of 5 countries to have seats set aside for old/disabled people.
-That's great, but it's because nobody will move for them otherwise. In the U.S. we are polite enough to give up our seats if someone needs it more than we do.
0 세계 각국 애니메이션 업계의 실무를 거의 다 담당하고 있는 민족
0 The race which does almost all the world's actual animation work for them.
-"we no good at creativity, so you tell us what to do, we do good job.We be very very fast. We do very good job of copy everybody. We are 대한모조국"
0 중국 옆에 있던 나라중 한번도 지도에서 중국이라고 표기된적이 없었던 나라
0 Among the countries bordering China, Korea is the only one which hasn't been marked as being China.
-So where's the map that shows Russia as being China? And Vietnam, Thailand, Kazakhstan? Yeah, that's what I thought.
0 문자가 없는 나라들에게 UN이 제공하는 문자는 한글
( 저~ 아프리카의 제 3세계 국가들 보면 대부분 한글을 쓰고 있습니다)
0 The UN provides Hangul (Korea's writing system) to countries which do not have one. (most of those third-world countries in Africa use Hangul).
-First of all, I would like to see real statistics on how many countries besides Korea use Hangul. Second, English is the only language that is considered to be the global language of business, to succeed in any country English is required. English is the most common 2nd national language in the world.
0 가장 IMF를 단기간에 극복한 나라
0 Korea was the quickest in paying back its debt to the IMF after the Asian Financial Crisis
-Didn't Korea start the whole Asian Financial Crisis (IMF)? The bankruptcy of Kia. Yeah, that’s what I thought. I guess this is one of those basketball things where you can anticipate which way the rebound will go best if you shot the ball. And by the way, who is the biggest donor to the IMF? That's right, U.S.A.!
0 아이큐 전세계 1위인 나라.. 홍콩은 나라가 아님을 생각한다면,,,
0 If you don't count Hong Kong as a separate country, Korea has the highest average IQ
-Various sources say otherwise, but yeah, all that studying…
0 유럽통계에서 세계에서 여자가 가장 이쁜 나라 1위 한국...
0 In statistics from Europe, Korean girls are the prettiest.
-Don’t have much to say about this one. Seems true enough to me.
0 세계 몇 안돼는 단일민족 국가..
0 One of the purest races in the world
-Wait, I thought you were all Mongolian mutts. What’s that spot on your butt? Also, didn't the Kim family (김) originate from a union between a brince and a girl from India?
0 미국도 무시하지 못하는 일본을 무시하는 전세계에서 가장 배짱있는 나라...
0 The country the U.S. can't ignore and that ignores Japan
-Didn’t Dick Cheney just 무시 (ignore) Korea on his Asian tour? Doesn’t the Japanese PM still visit the shrine every year despite Korea’s protests? Who’s 무시 who?
0 세계각 우수대학의 1등자리를 휩쓸고 다니는 머리 하나 끝내주게 좋은 나라..
0 A good country with the top student at the world's top universities.
-Did you know on the list of the top 100 Univerisities, most are from the U.S., and the top 15 are all U.S.? Which is better, to claim the top spot in schools by creating a retarded education system that requires way too much time and money, or have the capability and intelligence to set up an education system that way?
0 세계 10번째 경제, 6번째 군사력을 보유하고도,
개발도상국,중진국이라며 선진국을 본받자는 언제나 발전적인 나라
0 The country with the 6th strongest military, 10th largest economy
-Wait! Who has the No. 1 economy and military? U.S.A. I think it's the U.S.'s 본 (example) you are following.
And arguably the most important stat:
-The American Penis is much bigger than the Korean Penis.
0 평균 아이큐가 세자리를 넘는 3국가중 하나
0 Korea is one of only 3 countries with an average IQ over 100.
- Wikipedia says there are 17 such countries
0 일하는 시간이 세계 2위, 평균 노는 시간은 세계 3위인 잠없는 나라
0 A sleepless country: No. 2 in working hours, and No. 3 in playing hours
-This is good, why? Can you say “불쌍한 가정 생활’? Also, American's work less hours on average; but because we are so productive we have the greatest GDP!
0 문맹률이 1%아래인 유일한 나라
0 Only country in the world with an illiteracy rate under 1%.
-Where do you get your stats from? The U.N. reports that the U.S. has a 99.7% literacy rate and Korea has a 97.9% rate.
0 미국이랑 제대로 전쟁났을때 3일 이상 버틸수 있는 8개 국가중 하나
0 Korea, one of only 8 countries that could last longer than 3 days in an all-out war with the U.S.
- America, the only country in the world that can demolish all but 8 other countries within 3 days. The other 8 countries take 4!!!
0 노약자 보호석이 있는 5나라중에 하나
0 Only one of 5 countries to have seats set aside for old/disabled people.
-That's great, but it's because nobody will move for them otherwise. In the U.S. we are polite enough to give up our seats if someone needs it more than we do.
0 세계 각국 애니메이션 업계의 실무를 거의 다 담당하고 있는 민족
0 The race which does almost all the world's actual animation work for them.
-"we no good at creativity, so you tell us what to do, we do good job.We be very very fast. We do very good job of copy everybody. We are 대한모조국"
0 중국 옆에 있던 나라중 한번도 지도에서 중국이라고 표기된적이 없었던 나라
0 Among the countries bordering China, Korea is the only one which hasn't been marked as being China.
-So where's the map that shows Russia as being China? And Vietnam, Thailand, Kazakhstan? Yeah, that's what I thought.
0 문자가 없는 나라들에게 UN이 제공하는 문자는 한글
( 저~ 아프리카의 제 3세계 국가들 보면 대부분 한글을 쓰고 있습니다)
0 The UN provides Hangul (Korea's writing system) to countries which do not have one. (most of those third-world countries in Africa use Hangul).
-First of all, I would like to see real statistics on how many countries besides Korea use Hangul. Second, English is the only language that is considered to be the global language of business, to succeed in any country English is required. English is the most common 2nd national language in the world.
0 가장 IMF를 단기간에 극복한 나라
0 Korea was the quickest in paying back its debt to the IMF after the Asian Financial Crisis
-Didn't Korea start the whole Asian Financial Crisis (IMF)? The bankruptcy of Kia. Yeah, that’s what I thought. I guess this is one of those basketball things where you can anticipate which way the rebound will go best if you shot the ball. And by the way, who is the biggest donor to the IMF? That's right, U.S.A.!
0 아이큐 전세계 1위인 나라.. 홍콩은 나라가 아님을 생각한다면,,,
0 If you don't count Hong Kong as a separate country, Korea has the highest average IQ
-Various sources say otherwise, but yeah, all that studying…
0 유럽통계에서 세계에서 여자가 가장 이쁜 나라 1위 한국...
0 In statistics from Europe, Korean girls are the prettiest.
-Don’t have much to say about this one. Seems true enough to me.
0 세계 몇 안돼는 단일민족 국가..
0 One of the purest races in the world
-Wait, I thought you were all Mongolian mutts. What’s that spot on your butt? Also, didn't the Kim family (김) originate from a union between a brince and a girl from India?
0 미국도 무시하지 못하는 일본을 무시하는 전세계에서 가장 배짱있는 나라...
0 The country the U.S. can't ignore and that ignores Japan
-Didn’t Dick Cheney just 무시 (ignore) Korea on his Asian tour? Doesn’t the Japanese PM still visit the shrine every year despite Korea’s protests? Who’s 무시 who?
0 세계각 우수대학의 1등자리를 휩쓸고 다니는 머리 하나 끝내주게 좋은 나라..
0 A good country with the top student at the world's top universities.
-Did you know on the list of the top 100 Univerisities, most are from the U.S., and the top 15 are all U.S.? Which is better, to claim the top spot in schools by creating a retarded education system that requires way too much time and money, or have the capability and intelligence to set up an education system that way?
0 세계 10번째 경제, 6번째 군사력을 보유하고도,
개발도상국,중진국이라며 선진국을 본받자는 언제나 발전적인 나라
0 The country with the 6th strongest military, 10th largest economy
-Wait! Who has the No. 1 economy and military? U.S.A. I think it's the U.S.'s 본 (example) you are following.
And arguably the most important stat:
-The American Penis is much bigger than the Korean Penis.
Bon jour, monseur. ^^
taemin, at 8:50 PM
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