
Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Catering to a Dumb Audience

So McDonald’s has decided that the most important thing they can convey to their customers right now is “we think you are dumber than a fencepost.” Well, they don’t exactly say it that way, but this does a pretty good job of it. People are so freaked out about that nasty, bad American beef infecting them with 미친소 disease that McD’s has to advertise where it’s beef comes from. First of all, McDonald’s could use all the beef that Korea allowed in last tie and it still wouldn’t be enough to make burgers in more than one store for a week. Second of all, their burger prices would have to go up to be using that beef in their burgers. Third of all, does anybody who eats at McDs really go there because of the healthy food? You know you are going to die eventually, it’s just a matter of time. So if 미친소 gets you 10 years down, or the fat in the sandwich 20 years down, who cares? I suppose the average elementary-age mentality of the Koreans does.


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